There seems to be a disagreement between Ham and CB radio operators Ham operators making claim that due to a CB radio’s 4 watt power limitation the legally allowed 4 watts by the FCC that gives the CB radio a much shorter reachable distance somehow renders a CB radio into a toy. Newcomers interested in two way radio will likely encounter this argument sooner or later. Some Ham operators believe due to the limited power the legally allowed 4 watts by the FCC somehow makes CB radio equal to a toy. This article will hopefully will shed some light as to why the 4 watt limitation and the limited reach for the CB radio users are important.
Newcomers shopping for a first radio will likely encounter radios known as 10 and 11 meter band radios and there is the difference. A 10 meter radio is a Ham radio that requires a license while a 11 meter radio is a AM CB radio that doesn’t require a license. Ham radios operate at much higher wattage’s allowed by the FCC reaching much greater distances even around the world. The FCC only allows CB radios to operate at 4 watts limiting their reach to a local reach and local distance on average 1 to 11 miles which is where the toy argument came from.
CB radio’s usually reach anywhere from 3 to 5 miles on average in the city where there are obstructions such as buildings and structures etc. The question is does a CB radio’s lack of reach or distance render a CB radio somehow into a toy? The answer is absolutely nor should it be looked at that way. Both radios Ham and CB have a special use a special role to play which has to be considered. Referring to CB radio as a toy can be a great disservice considering someone may avoid getting one due to that thought process then need one at a when it is critical and vital to their survival.
Ham radios are important for communicating the message across the world likewise a CB radio is equally as important to communicating messages locally in town a community or circle. A important notice to your neighbors it wouldn’t be impotent to someone in England nor would it be beneficial for them hearing about and they probably wouldn’t be interested in hearing about it either. Let’s say Joe wants to alert his neighbors bad weather is coming and Joe alerting the world would be useless for example.
Limited reach puts a CB radio on a more secluded level since it doesn’t broadcast over to the entire world in the same way as a Ham radio does which also makes the CB radio more stelf and that is popular and important for folks like preppers for example. Let’s assume a preppers position in two radios for example.
Let’s say a prepper we will name him John and he has made special plans just in case of a emergency evacuation and he knows this road to take in case of a emergency. But should John broadcast that information out of town such as on a Ham radio then everyone on a leisure vacation from out of town could end up using it for their convenience as a shortcut thereby jamming it bumper to bumper never mind emergencies such as John has in mind. John doesn’t want everyone knowing about this road he only wants those in his community to know which is why John has chosen to use a CB radio in place of using a Ham radio.
There are also other important factors to consider CB verses Ham radio. CB operators don’t need a license to operate the radio. However a license is required to operate a 10 meter Ham radio and that takes time and study when all a CB operator needs to do is buy a CB radio along with the required antenna hook it up and within a matter of minutes usually under 30 minutes he is legally operating his radio. Not so fast when it comes to a 10 meter Ham radio which requires a license to operate it.
There are numerous uses for a CB radio I would suggest everyone should have at least one CB radio on hand. But to sum things up a CB radio is just as important for local users and local communication in their community as Ham radios are equally as important for Ham user to talk with the world. It wouldn’t be wise to assume a life jacket is a toy because useless in places like the desert and that somehow makes the life jacket useless. The lack of personal use or preference for the need of one doesn’t turn a life jacket into a toy nor does it make a CB radio a toy.
All the differences aside and I am not trying to step on any ones toes however for those using the more powerful radios they should consider the power differences and not use those powerful radios stepping on CB radios on bands that are meant for regular AM CB radio use. In other words running hundreds of watts on channels such as AM channel 19 for example should be avoided when there are special bands designed for special powerful radios such as 10 meter Ham radios they should only be used on bands that are intended for their own use. Always try keeping in mind others paid their hard earned money to buy their radio for their needs and use. Try to respect that and each other in order not to render the enjoyment of their radio useless to them.
UPDATE: Everyone should have at least one CB on hand preferably more than one by having one in their home and in their vehicle too. And it is up to the rest of us to spread the message. I am hoping everyone will do their part in spreading the message, tell your relatives, your neighbors, your friends and yes share the message with strangers as well let them know too.
Assuming you made it this far thank your for reading!