About Us


The betterment of men who have chosen to take the red pill and avoid women. Spread the word of MGTOW to men and boys that want to be saved from the blue pill.


Men helping men in a world that has turned on men.


Men supporting men and men's cause in a unjust society and system that has wronged men.


The MGTOW411.COM directory is a directory created to list and located MGTOW channels and domains regardless of location to avoid censorship of MGTOW and the MGTOW brand.

The future of MGTOW men

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Rather MGTOW men will ever be open to relationships with women again depends on the future, what the future holds. Some MGTOW MEN have sworn off women completely, others keep their hope things will change and society, the system, family courts to the justice system will treat men fairly, the same as women. What is known that can be said, is that unless and until that day comes those change are made, MGTOW men have vowed remain MGTOW and let MGTOW gain it's men if not all men.