If you have visited this site more than once I am sure you have probably noticed I haven’t posted in quiet a while due to my being busy in other areas not related to MGTOW. And for clarity my way is God’s way not my own way. That said I am many years a Monk as far as dating or marriage go. And now I want to talk about the AM CB Radio. IT’S BACK!
When I first turned my radio back on a few months ago there was no one to be found anywhere on any channel. But a few months later now skip radio is lighting up on CB radio. I am only guessing others like myself are fed up with the dismal decline of the Internet deciding to do the same as I have making their move back to CB Radio. And as for myself I run barefoot on CB.
For clarity running barefoot means you are running at the minimal legal 4 watts of power allowed on a regular standard AM CB radio unless running on SSB upper or lower (single side band) IE USB or LSB which allows a additional 8 more watts of power. Since I’m only as they used to say reading the mail aka (listening in), I am not running on any additional power.
Additional power means either a 10 meter or higher metered radio or a linear aka a power amp (not legal UNLESS it’s a 10 meter or a Ham a radio) but they do it. That means it gets a little lonely at 4 watts due to there being no locals I can reach at the standard 4 watts. THE GOOD NEWS is locals will return eventually as long as radio abusers don’t run everyone off the radio again.
Not that long ago the CB Radio was the thing. A CB Radio isn’t the same as computers cellphones or the Internet. To operate a CB radio you don’t need a license you don’t need a account or additional equipment to run it. You only need the required antenna and a source of power to run it and that’s it and CB Radio is still among the most reliable communication equipment there is.
Computers, Internet, phones can and do fail. But given a CB radio is good a CB Radio and can reach other CB’s the CB WILL NOT FAIL. To date CB’s are still among the most useful tools of communication in emergency’s, information, and conversation.
What are CB Radio’s common uses? Business Use: Security: Neighborhood Watch. General Discussion, Chats: CB Radio Clubs: Meetups: Church Meetings and Preaching are now taking place over the CB radio too. Basically any type of information rather local or on the road you get it in real time without the need of phone numbers or passwords such as a computer or cellphones require. The CB radio can also be very addictive and entertaining. However if you decide the CB Radio is for you please never abuse it, have fun but also see it for the valuable tool it is and keep it decent respectful and orderly.
Something else that makes makes the CB Radio even more attractive to me is my freedom of speech. Nobody is going to censor me deplatform me or kick me off of my radio my radio is my platform to speak as freely as I want.
In deed the CB radio is on it’s way back I one day expect to hear MGTOW over the CB radio too. As far as myself it may change but currently I chat with others over the CB running bearfoot and that simply means I am not running my CB Radio on additional added power.
If CB Radio peaks your interest so you know, there could not be a better time to get a CB radio. CB Radio’s today cost about the same as they did in the mid 1980’s when I bought my first Radio. A standard AM CB Radio today cost way less than cellphones. All AM CB’s operate at the legal 4 watts with exception to the addition of SSB USB and LSB, the more bells whistles the price goes up.
With any CB Radio the main thing to consider is the antenna. The better the antenna and the higher the antenna the further your radio will reach. At the legal 4 watts depending on height and or obstructions the average radio will reach about one mile per watt or further give or take depending. I have reached about 7 miles or more running barefoot on standard AM.
If you decide to get yourself a CB Radio, something to make note of especially when newly installing the radio, you should always make sure to check your SWR’s and make sure your radio is tuned. That can be done with a SWR meter they are not expensive and the instructions are easy to follow. The flatter your SWR’s the better the performance and it protects your radio from over heating and burning out your radio. SWR meters are fairly inexpensive costing under $50 dollars and some radios have them built right in.
There are many articles and videos on the Internet that will show how to tune a CB Radio using a SWR meter search under SWR meter tuning a CB radio and you should have plenty of howto’s. They cost more but some radios have SWR meters built into the radio and those radios usually have more features than a basic standard $39 dollar AM CB radio.
One more thing pertaining to CB radio use. Evidently there must be newcomers worried about how to use radio codes and CB lingo. Here’s a simple lesson for all concerned. You know how push the talk button right? You know how to say break, right? You know how to speak English or the language used, right, Yes? Congrats you now know how to use a CB radio.
I wanted to put that out there so that no one has to worry about CB codes or the lingo. Some use it, some don’t and if codes and lingo is your thing you will catch on eventually. The main thing I want others to know is that the CB Radio is a very valuable tool and I think everyone should have one. Want to know more? There’s loads of articles out there on CB Radio, but a word of WARNING, CB Radio is very addictive.
Indeed CB Radio is addictive enjoyable and a great method for entertainment advice and information. And if you should find yourself like me, a lonely barefoot 4 watt-er with no locals to talk to, spread the word tell your friends and neighbors to get on the CB Radio. That way you won’t have to spend a lot of money to get a expensive powered radio. Thank you for reading.