By now the censorship online should not be a secrete to anyone rather the censorship is in the form of deleting comments to shadow banning to deleting accounts altogether and if it has not already happened to you then give it time. Sharing information is vital to protecting others and this is where CB radio comes in because unlike the internet CB radio broadcasts its signal directly to all other CB radios on a given channel from antenna to antenna and there is no third party needed for that.
One can walk in where CB’s are sold and purchase a CB radio or order them online along with a good antenna and install the CB radio right there on a parking lot where they purchased it in about 5 minutes or so and they are instantly able to talk to anyone with in reach of their CB radio with no license needed to operate a CB radio a CB radio is legal to use right away and it is free to use it at any time day or night 24/7 year around. However CB radio is facing some problems, read on.
I have been reading articles and comments online and the consensus there is a problem CB radio is having which is high powered radio’s that are hogging up the channel’s. Those radios are running well above the legal limit of the maximum 4 watts some pushing thousands of watts and that is creating a problem for local CB operators operating within the legal limit of 4 watt maximum making it difficult for locals to communicate which has caused many CB operators to shelf or get rid of their radios entirely altogether.
The high power radio operators should consider the problem on their own without intervention they should know the power they are pushing is trampling over local CB operators without being told and consider a resolution to fix the problem which is the main problem that is plaguing CB radio. And therefor a set of rules should be made and followed such as all high powered radios avoid a set number of channels specifically reserving those channels for local legally operated radios running at their legally allowed 4 watt minimum only. In other words those channels should be reserved for local CB operators only and that is if operators want CB radio to thrive again. Over powered radios are the main reason for so many leaving CB radio it wasn’t due to cellphones.
The high powered radio operators see their radios as a important tool for talking state to state country to country or around the world sharing helpful information especially during the current times. However talking communicating locally is just as important for locals locals need to share and communicate their information too however locals are being hindered especially during daytime hours when skip is active and is a problem due to high powered radios. What I would propose to do is designate a set of channels specifically for local radio only radios operating at their 4 watts.
Say channels 7, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29, 37, 39 and 40 should all be specifically for local CB radio running at or near their 4 watt maximum and all other channels with exception to channel 9, the emergency only channel, would be where the high power radios hang out. That as a rule would at least keep those channels free from high powered radios trampling on local radio communications and that is highly important being that CB radio is now vital for communications so there should be made some resolution to fix this problem.
Freeing up those specific channels between 7 and 40 would free up 12 channels and that equals 27 other channels that high powered radios can hang out on. Some will even advise operators that can’t get out to get amplifier and no operator should have to resort to that. And there are very good reasons those without amps don’t want to use them such as they are within the legal limit for start and they want their radio transmissions to remain more stealthy remaining within their own area.
They do not want to broadcast to the world they want to communicate locally with those they know and there wouldn’t even be a conversation over amps if the high powered radios were not talking over them forcing them to move their conversations to other channels to continue their communications. The bottom line is now more than ever the CB radio is a vital tool that could save lives and it should be looked at that way too as a serious tool not simply for playing around it should be respected as the it is the last and only reliable source left for sharing vital uncensored information and freedom of speech.
For the sake of men women and children for the sake of humanity we all need to work together to resolve these and other issues. And for those who have not done so all other forms of communication will fail when CB radios will not and CB radios are not expensive nor are they hard to install or use. So do get a CB radio now before the time to do so runs out.
Also please don’t sit on the sidelines put forth the effort to inform others to also get a CB Radio get one yourself and and do it now. Invite your relatives your neighbors your friends assuming they are within your locality your city your county or adjacent counties within your reach or at least inform them even if they are not within reach of your radio. Make leaflets and pass them out in stores schools Church etc.
The leaflets are easy to make using office software such as Libreoffice Writer a free downloadable software. Card size leaflets will render about 8 per sheet on a 8×11 sheet of general purpose printer paper. I used Libreoffice Writer to say what I wanted to say centered it screenshotted it copy pasted the card size screenshot 8 times in a new document squared them aligned them into 8 card sizes prints printed them out and cut them out. I used the Fiskars Home Office 12″ Rotary Paper Trimmer W/Straight Blade to cut them.
Inform those you know on line to do the same and remember time has never been more important to get the message out there so please do not haste. You can hold meetings and add the details to your leaflets listing the channel to meet on and the time to meet such as CB community meetings evenings at 8PM on Channel 21 voice your opinions and concerns. You can also have custom bumper stickers made on ebay search custom bumper sticker. Place the information on a bumper sticker and place the bumper sticker on the bumper of your vehicle or in the rear window of your vehicle to help get the word out.
Are you interested in a good radio and or antenna’s to get? I will cover a few in the next CB article posted on this site to cover the radios I have used and have experience with that I know they perform very well. Please check back later and thanks for reading.