Their argument? My body my choice, it’s not human, it’s just a clump of cells, they could have a bad life or could be raped by the fake false rape culture, the world is over populated, yet they are still here themselves. But anyone with even a very low IQ, even a skull without eyeballs could see it and knows better. The answers given by abortion advocates are simply meant as a duck and dodge strategy in order to derail any and all facts truth and reality once that gets in their way. What’s clear is they don’t love children or they wouldn’t murder them.
However we men, we know we have no choice when it comes to our bodies forced to register for selective service IE the draft. And we get no choice to allow our children to live or be murdered by abortion.
But hang on, YES, we do have a choice, and you men that remain active with women SHOULD exercise this choice. Men do have the choice not to date, live with or marry child murderer’s.
If men that still chose to date in this awful day and age would only do their homework. Find out if she’s ever had an abortion. And if so, CUT HER OFF, turn her away, DO NOT LAY DOWN WITH HER, walk away. If murdering children, that isn’t bad enough for you to turn her away remember, she would murder your children too, she has a lack of conscious, she could even do that to you. You could also become the unfortunate guy in the video below. The answer? Stay far away from women that murder children.
PS, if you are a MGTOW or red pill content creator and you agree with this message, please make it your own message and spread it far and wide. Helpless innocent lives depend on you / us.