Undead Chronic roast feminist and white night soy boy simps in a audience of thousands. Sit back and enjoy throw some marshmallows on the fire while he’s roasting and you’ll be in the company of thousands of MGTOW witnessing THOTS get roasted. So if you’d like a sample of a nice tasty MGTOW roast, be sure to catch his youtube video linked here. The visit and subscribed, you will be glad you did. Listed below is Undead Chronics details.

I am a scientist gamer that speaks about politics, red pill philosophy, and life in general. I spend a lot of time roasting feminist pork because I love a good BBQ!

If you want to support the work I do here, please donate to https://paypal.me/ZombieKush

Reddit- https://www.reddit.com/r/UndeadChronicYT/

Back up youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjpPkxv_YIr2jLGvQ-eZz9A

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