Are you a MGTOW? Please select your options, then hit vote.
Do you identify as MGTOW
The Red Pill is a degree of MGTOW where you have recognized and see things the way they truly are.
Are you Red Pilled?
Are you red pilled
How long have you been a MGTOW?
In years how long have you been a MGTOW
A MGTOW Monk doesn’t marry, forbids cohabitation, doesn’t produce children, and doesn’t date. Are you a MGTOW Monk?
Are you a MGTOW Monk
If things were to change become fair to men, would you ever reconsider dating or marriage the future?
If things were to change, become fair to men. Would you reconsider dating or marriage?
Has a female ever falsely accused you of anything?
Has a female every falsely accused you of anything?
Have you ever been married, dated, both, or neither?
Were you evern married, or have you ever dated, both or neither?
What is your level of Education
What is your level of education?
Bonus Question: Would you ever have dated, or married, a female that had once identified as a bisexual or lesbian female?
Would you have dated a female once identified as a bisexual or lesbian female?